Meet the Consortium
7 keyplayers getting together
About the Consortium
Multidisciplinary partners with competence in thermal energy storage, solar power technology, engineering, material and metal fiber development, modelling, communication and dissemination expertise are the core of the HYBRIDplus Consortium, formed by 7 Key players from Spain, France, Germany and Sweden. The below partners will be developing the HYBRIDplus project for 48 months starting 1st October 2022.

Project Coordinator, project management and test rig and experimental validation leader
University of Seville
The University of Seville is the oldest and largest University in Southern Spain, with more than five hundred years of history. Currently, the University of Seville has around 70.000 students enrolled in its 89 BSc, 110 MSc and 32 PhD programmes. Within the University of Seville, the School of Engineering is the leading center for applied research and technology transfer to sociality, paying an important emphasis on the cooperation and implementation of its research into the industry. The Association of Industrial Research and Cooperation of Andalucía (AICIA) was born from the perseverance in training and research of this school and its focus on the practical application of the scientific developments
Main Role
The University of Seville acts as coordinator of the HYBRIDplus project, is responsible for the project management and in charge of the experimental validation. This experimental validation will be carried out through the construction of an innovative test ring within the university’s premises. As coordinator, the University of Seville also plays an active role in all operational and dissemination activities of the project.

TES media characterization and compatibility analysis leader
University of LLeida
The University of Lleida is a public university located in Lleida, Catalonia, Spain. It was founded in 1349, making it one of the oldest universities in Europe. The university has a strong focus on research and innovation. The research group GREiA (, headed by Prof. Dr. Luisa F. Cabeza, has long experience in thermal energy storage (TES) technologies, buildings energy efficiency, artificial intelligence, and energy use optimization. Since its foundation in 1999, the group has been developing TES concepts and systems for different applications, such as solar water tanks, building envelops, buildings HVAC systems, industrial applications, and CSP plants. One of the main objectives of GREiA is to contribute to increase the competitiveness of enterprises, through the collaboration in the development of new products and with technological assessment.
Main Role
Within the consortium, University of Lleida is leader of TES media characterization and compatibility analysis and will conduct corrosion test for selected materials; thermos-physical characterisation of storage material. It will also ensure the role of dissemination manager.

Integrated CSP plant control, modeling and optimization leader
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) is the largest technical university in Sweden, responsible for more than a third of the country’s capacity for engineering studies and technical research at the post-secondary level. Renowned for its research and innovation focus, KTH is one of Europe’s top technical universities, having a robust history of collaborating with industry and research institutions. Within KTH, the Energy Technology department carries out research in several areas, including poly-generation, energy systems analysis, and concentrating solar power, with a particular emphasis on energy storage, heat pumps, and solar energy component development. KTH has also extensive expertise in techno-economic analysis and component modelling, utilizing and developing in-house techno-economic tools.
Main Role
As partner of the consortium, KTH leads the definition of KPIs for the storage system as well as the techno-economic modelling, LCA and s-LCA of the solution.

Industrial partner
SEICO Heizungen GmbH provides heating systems and related products and services. The company designs, manufactures, installs, and maintains heating systems for residential, commercial, and industrial customers. The specific products and services offered by SEICO Heizungen GmbH include boilers, radiant heating systems, furnace systems, and more. The company also offer repair and maintenance services for heating systems, as well as consulting and design services to help customers choose the best heating solutions for their needs.
Main Role
With the consortium, SEICO will participate in the storage system material selection and in the validation of wool fiber as storage material. SEICOwill support the determination of the optimal operational conditions of the solutions developed and LCA studies.Additionaly, SEICO will provide the Electric Heater.

CSP plant conceptualization with hybrid TES system configuration leader
Build to Zero is a company aiming to address the central challenge of the power sector: meeting rising flexibility needs while decarbonizing electricity and heat generation.
At Build To Zero we are decarbonization scientists, technologists and engineers.
We are committed to build innovative and financially viable thermal energy storage (TES) solutions for behind-the-meter industrial applications.
Main Role
Within the Hybridplus project, B2Z is responsible for the system engineering, CSP plant conceptualization with hybrid TES system configuration . B2Z will also take part in the definition of the storage system, the test bench and the market projections leveraging the strong experience in power plant business and energy storage

Industrial partner.
Since 1951, STAX mission is to develop and produce metal fiber products out of various materials- such as steel, stainless steel, copper, brass and others. Out of these metals, STAX produces customer specific Short Fibers, Continuous Fibers and Fleece. Depending on the customer application, you find STAX metal fibers in Automotive, Lightweight Production, construction and many other areas.
Main Role
Together with other partners, STAX contributes to HYBRIDplus by developing specific metal fiber products to the project.

WP6 leader.
R2M Solution France
R2M Solution is an integrated and multi-disciplinary entrepreneurial innovation company that aggressively targets filling the gap between research activities and market implementation across the fields of Innovation. Strategic innovator, R2M helps organizations and projects plan and execute the use of the research funding over a comprehensive development strategy, from idea to market. R2M provides leadership, links high performance exploitation-oriented networks, and leverages public and private funding instruments. The Innovation Division is expert on business model development, value proposition design, stakeholder needs analysis, market analysis and business plan development.
Main Role
As dissemination and exploitation manager, R2M will develop the project website, animate the social networks, establish a communication strategy, support dissemination of results, identify the project exploitable results and lead the organization of events.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme
Under grant agreement No 101084182