HYBRIDplus 1st project video

HYBRIDplus project concept video is out!  The video illustrates HYBRIDplus CSP hybridization innovative concept, mixing PCM (phase changing material) and metal wool in an electrified storage cascade system, and explains why it has the potential to revolutionize renewable power generation and storage. Watch it on our webpage and on our newly created Youtube channel. Thanks for your […]

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Enerstock – June 2024

This week, the HYBRIDplus is brought to France!  Our team members from ETSi – Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Sevilla and Universitat de Lleida are joining the nearly 200 participants of the Enerstock 2024 Conference of the IEA Energy Storage TCP in Lyon.Enerstock is a leading international conference on energy storage, addressing the latest developments in science, policies, and deployment. We are grateful to have the opportunity to present the latest

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